Older Drinkers Less Able to Judge When They’re Drunk

For all their admonitions about responsible drinking, it turns out that older adults aren’t as good as young ones about knowing when to stop. After drinking the same amount of alcohol as their younger counterparts, older adults are not only more impaired than younger ones, but less likely to believe they are. In a new study published in this month’s issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, researchers recruited 42 adults: half were between the ages of 50 and 74, and half were aged 25 to 35.


Nation o’ Drinkers: Scotland Takes on Alcohol Abuse

There’s little affection in a “Glasgow kiss.” Typically preceded by some variation of the growled question “Whit ya [expletive] lookin’ at?” the term refers to a vicious headbutt, as delivered all too often in the bars and on the streets of Scotland’s largest city. Alcohol-fueled violence and binge-drinking are endemic across Britain, but the phenomenon is especially acute north of the border — and it’s getting worse


Computerizing Health Records: Will It Really Cut Medical Costs?

If the cheerleaders — including the one in the Oval Office — are right, computerized medical records will save us all: save jobs, save money, reduce errors, and transform health care as we know it. In a January speech, President Obama evoked the promise of new technology: This will cut waste, eliminate red tape and reduce the need to repeat expensive medical tests,” he said, and he has proposed investing $50 billion over the next five years to help make it happen.


10 ‘secrets’ you shouldn’t keep from your doctor

Do you remember the scene in the movie "Something’s Gotta Give" where Jack Nicholson’s character lies about Viagra to a doctor in the emergency room? He’d just had a heart attack after romancing a (much younger) woman, and the doctor is furiously calling out orders to give him aspirin, blood pressure drugs, and … nitroglycerine


Should hunters switch to ‘green’ bullets?

Three years ago, Phillip Loughlin made a choice he knew would brand him as an outsider with many of his fellow hunters: He decided to shoot “green” bullets. “It made sense,” Loughlin said of his switch to more environmentally friendly ammo, which doesn’t contain lead. “I believe that we need to do a little bit to take care of the rest of the habitat and the environment — not just what we want to shoot out of it.” Lead, a toxic metal that can lower the IQs of children, is the essential element in most ammunition on the market today


As Car Sales Collapse, GM and Chrysler Grow Desperate

Under pressure to demonstrate their viability in order to qualify for more government loans, General Motors and Chrysler couldn’t produce any additional evidence on Tuesday. If they were taking physical exams, they both would have flunked. As February sales were reported, GM owned up to selling 53% fewer cars and trucks than a year ago, while Chrysler admitted that its total fell 44%
