Weird Al’s conspiracy twist on Lorde’s Royals

Lorde has become the latest victim of Weird Al Yankovic’s pop mockery musical videos.

As part of #8Videos8Days, the comedian teamed up with CollegeHumour on a music video for Lorde’s magnum-opus Royals.

Replacing “royyyals” with “foiiiiil”, his song praises all the wonderful uses of, that’s right, foil.

Apparently, it’s as good as preserving last night’s dinner as it is for defending your mind from government control.

As with the original, Yankovic’s version is annoyingly catchy.

“I never bother with baggies, glass jars, tupperware containers, plastic cling-wrap, really a no-brainer,” he sings.

“I just like to keep all my flavours sealed and tight.

“With aluminum foiiiiiiil.”

The song takes an unexpected turn when the lighting dims and Yankovic spills his conspiratorial theories.

“Be aware, there’s always someone that’s watching you.”

After broaching the moon landing and Illuminati secrets, the songs comes back to foil.

“I’m protected cos I made this hat… from aluminium foiiiiiil.”

Take a taste test in the video above, or enjoy a full serving below:
