Iran’s Spending Spree in Afghanistan

Some locals jokingly call Herat the “Dubai of Afghanistan.” The nickname is a stretch, but the mini-boom taking place in this commercial capital is borne out by 24-hour electricity and pothole-free streets where people wander without fear of the random violence that afflicts other urban centers in the country. Who gets the credit? Much of it goes to Iran, which lies less than a hundred miles to the west and is moving closer.


Sea Level Rise Was Overestimated, But Things Grim

Good news is relative. A Dow of 10,000 looks awfully sweet right now, for example, but it would’ve seemed like a disaster back when daily closes were closer to 14,000. That’s the kind of pick-your-perspective choice offered by a new paper published in the journal Science about the catastrophic rise in sea levels we could expect if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet continues to melt away due to global warming


Pope calls for reconciliation in Middle East

Pope Benedict XVI called on Israelis and Palestinian to put aside their "grievances and divisions" and work toward reconciliation in the Middle East during a speech in the West Bank. “Just and peaceful coexistence among the peoples of the Middle East can only be achieved through a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, in which the rights and dignity of all are acknowledged and upheld,” the pontiff said Wednesday at a speech attended by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem.


Why Mideast Christians Are Wary of Pope Benedict’s Visit

Ever since the year 1204 A.D., when the soldiers of the Fourth Crusade sacked the Christian city of Constantinople instead of “liberating” Jerusalem from Muslim rule, Christians in the Middle East have been understandably wary of emissaries of Rome. Today, as Christians in the Middle East welcome Pope Benedict XVI on his first trip to the Holy Land, many are worried that the unpredictable Pontiff might stir up passions at a time of religious strife and political cold war.


Palestinian graffiti spreads message of peace

Emblazoned on a long, tall, concrete barrier in the midst of a rocky Middle Eastern landscape is this spray-painted message: "Mirror, mirror on the wall. When will this senseless object fall?" It’s one of more than 900 graffiti messages that have been spray-painted by Palestinians on the controversial wall that separates Israel and the West Bank.


‘Serious contamination’ threat from Africa’s mounting e-waste

The truck driver kept his hand on the horn, but resorted to shifting into first gear and used the full weight of his container truck to force his way through the over-crowded and narrow market street. But the truck’s rattling bulk, over-charged exhaust, and zealous horn only added extra rhythm to the cacophony of hawkers, hagglers, trucks and generators. This was just one of the many deliveries this morning for the big importers of Lagos’s second-hand electronics Alaba market
