Pakistan’s butt-kicking burka-hero

Wonder Woman and Supergirl now have a Pakistani counterpart in the pantheon of female superheroes – one who shows a lot less skin. Meet Burka Avenger: A mild-mannered teacher with secret martial arts skills who uses a flowing black burka to hide her identity as she fights local thugs seeking to shut down the girls’ school where she works


Bluray review: Life Of Pi

LIFE OF PI 3D (20th Century Fox) Director: Ang Lee Starring: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Rafe Spall, a tiger Ang Lee won Best Director at the most recent Academy Awards. I’m not sure how or why, because so much of the film is based on computer effects that it’s hard to know exactly how much influence Lee might have had on the look and feel of Life Of Pi.


Religion: Fethardism

Ireland, which enriched the English language with the word boycott,* has invented a refinement of the term. The new word: fethardism, meaning to practice boycott along religious lines.When, eight years ago, Sean Michael Cloney, 22, a Roman Catholic farmer, married Sheila Kelly, 22, Protestant, in London, she made the usual agreement imposed by the Catholic Church on mixed marriages: the children would be brought up as Catholics


Evangelicals in Teach for America Expand Their Mission

With few job openings available for graduating seniors, recruiters are an especially welcome sight on college campuses these days. When Josh Dickson, a recruiter at Teach for America, would show up at liberal-arts colleges this year, the earnest 25-year-old would hear student after student explain that their most urgent desire had always been to teach in a low-income community


Mark Sanford Sex Scandal: South Carolina and GOP Assess the Damage

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has never shied away from talking about his religious faith. So perhaps it should have come as no surprise that he invoked “God’s law” throughout his long, rambling press conference on June 24 — after going missing in Buenos Aires for six days — to confess his yearlong extramarital affair with an Argentine woman
