Moisture, cold irritate some smart phone users

When the earphone jack on her iPhone started acting buggy, Kristile Cain took the phone in to her local Apple store. Initially, she was told that the phone appeared to be faulty and that it would be replaced. That was until the store employee realized that the moisture indicator in the phone had been tripped


Google improves Gmail for iPhone, Android

Google has released a new Web-based version of Gmail that gives iPhone and Android phone users a more sophisticated version of the online e-mail service, including access to messages that’s faster and that works even when offline. Google demonstrated the Web-based mobile version of Gmail last week and announced its availability Tuesday on the Google Mobile blog. “You’ll notice that it’s a lot faster when performing actions like opening an e-mail, navigating, or searching.


Fujitsu’s New Reader: A Step Toward the Post-Web World

Good news for old-media sufferers! On Wednesday, Fujitsu announced the world’s first color e-reader. It renders text as cleanly as a printed page, displays 260,000 colors, weighs three-quarters of a pound and is connected to the Net via WiFi. It costs $1,000, a price tag that’s probably three times too high, which is typical for products aimed at early adopters


Google Voice: A push to rewire your phone service

Google plans to unveil a service called Google Voice on Thursday that indicates Google wants to do with your telephone communications what companies such as Yahoo have done with e-mail. Google Voice, the new version of the GrandCentral technology Google acquired in July 2007, has the potential to make the search giant a middleman in an important part of people’s lives, telephone communications. With the service, people can pick a new phone number from Google Voice; when others call it, Google can ring all the actual phones a person uses and handle voice mail.


Obama’s Health Czar

In the midst of a celebrated career that has taken place almost entirely behind the political curtain, Nancy-Ann DeParle was introduced to a microphone Monday by the President of the United States on live television, and she almost turned it down. “Nancy, do you want to say a little something?” Obama asked her at the end of a ceremony in the East Room


Apple announces new Mac Pro, tweaks iMac and Mac Mini

Well, here’s what we’ve all been waiting for. Apple put out a couple of announcements on Tuesday related to its desktop computers. The company unveiled a new Mac Pro high-end desktop powered by Intel’s “Nehalem” processor, a new and more graphics-intensive Mac Mini machine, and updated iMacs that include the lowest price point yet for the consumer desktops


Cell Phones and Connections Faster than Lightning

People in the wireless industry have been talking about what will replace 3G networks in the next two or three years. AT&T , Verizon , Sprint , and their peers overseas need something to spark consumer demand now that many people already own handsets and higher-end smartphones
