Rebecca Black revisits Friday

Brace yourself: Rebecca Black, the teenager who tortured us with Friday, the “worst song ever made”, is back.

The then 13-year-old shot to worldwide notoriety with the track including deep lyrics such as “yesterday was Thursday, Thursday/Today is Friday, Friday” and “tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards”.

Now the 16-year-old has returned with a video, recorded on American holiday Black Friday (very punny), featuring her revisiting the legendary YouTube favourite.

“This could either be the best decision of my life … or the worst,” she says before the clip starts.

We learn that she regrets her decision to wear blue eye shadow and she ponders her inability to move her arms.

“Can we just talk about the fact that I had a huge pimple on my cheek right when we were filming this video,” she asks her online audience.

But the wannabe popstar finishes on a positive note.

“As much as even I laugh at it, it’s not something that I regret doing,” she says after watching the video that gained almost 62 million views since its release.

“I have gotten so many opportunities and unbelievable chances, and made so many new friends I would not have been able to without it.”

Gotta get down on that!

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