PROHIBITION: Ladies at Roslyn

PROHIBITION: Ladies at Roslyn

A string of smart motors swished up the driveway to Mrs. Edward Small
Moore's shingled, rambling country home in Roslyn, L. I. one sunny
morning last week. Out of the shining automobiles stepped 70 ladies
clad brightly, tastefully, expensively. Reckoned by money and prestige,
they were the cream of the nation's womanhood, gathered from Maine to
Oregon. Inside the Moore house they sat on Early American chairs and
ate a chatty meal. Then the ladies repaired to a long drawing room full
of roses and tulips. At this point the gathering lost all resemblance
to a conventional Long Island luncheon. No bridge tables had been set
up, no backgammon boards unfolded. The ladies were there for serious
business. Leaders and representatives of a million other women, they
had come to talk and act about liquor in the U. S. Full credit for helping to bring about national Prohibition has been
given to women like Schoolteacher Frances Elizabeth Willard and
tough, evangelical little
