Has Kris Humphries Found a New Love?


Their is a new beauty in Kris Humphries life


Has Kris Humphries Found a New Love?


When originally asked about the stunning lady sunbathing by his side, Kris Humphries said she was just a neighbor he had not met before that happened upon the beach before someone snapped a photo. However, upon further investigation it was revealed that their paths have crossed before.



  • When he provided court seat tickets for the twenty-five-year-old beauty and her family to his games
  • When allowed her in the area leading up to the locker room
  • Oh..  and when he flew her out to spend that weekend with him in Miami


Hmmm..  Does he do this for all of his neighbors he has never met before?


Sinanaj works for a prominent five star hotel Humphries frequents. This is possibly how the couple originally became acquainted.


Though there are similarities between she and his former love Kim Kardashian; His new romantic interest is quite the glamourus vixen in her own right. We are hoping this is no rebound romance, but the start of a new love.



They make a lovely couple