Business: Business, Oct. 20, 1941

Business: Business, Oct. 20, 1941
Production Up: TIME'SIndex rose to 160.0 in the Oct. 11 week, highest since
mid-September and 1.6 points above the preceding week's final figure.
Main reason for the rise: unusually warm weather which boosted power
output to a record 3,290,000,000 kwh., 17.8% above 1940.Hampered by shortages, priorities, Government red tape and labor
troubles, U.S. business is marking time. For twelve weeks TIME'S Index
has held within a 4-point range. Car-loadings are still about 80,000
cars below the 1,000,000-car peak predicted for October. Auto
production, some 30,000 units under 1940, is not even keeping pace with
the quotas imposed by OPM. Even in the textile industry, fat with Army
orders, output has declined sharply since June.
