Who could leave the dog that has been starving 2 mounts RSPCA ever seen?

A dog left in a box by the side of the roads.They described the dog is “thinnest dog ever seen alive” by the RSPCA. The dog has been starved for 2 mounts and they believed the dog is around 2 years old, 17.6 lbs ,has a half the healthy weight for her breed . Also too bad to swallow and eat.The RSPCA handed thr dog in West-super-Mare Somerset.

The man who didn’t want to give his name keep her alive and bounded in a bubble wrap.They called his name ”HOPE”.

RSPCA put her on a drip a couple days.Now she is able to swallow and eat slowly .Vet Anna Parry said: ”

I have spent eight years working at an RSPCA clinic in the past so I am no stranger to abused and neglected animals but this is the thinnest dog I have ever seen alive.

‘She weighs just 8kg and a healthy weight for her would be more like 16.

‘When she first arrived we had to wrap her in blankets and bubble wrap just to keep her warm as she could not maintain her temperate and although she is now off the drip and much more responsive she still has a long way to go’

They believed to be aged 1 or 2 years old and found her in a box by the A370 near Hewish ,Somerset ,on May 16.

Spokeswoman Jo Barr said: ‘Hope was in a really bad condition and the vets didn’t think she would make it though the first night.

‘She must have been starved for months to be in that condition. She would have only had a few hours left to live if she wasn’t handed in.

‘She had to be picked up everywhere, she wasn’t able to walk or stand at all. She was in a collapsed state.

‘Hope can now stand but only for a short amount of time.’

Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 if anyone founded causing suffering to an animal , the person gets 6 mounts prison or  £20,000 fine.

When she gets better , she will be sent to RSPCA North Somerset Branch Brent Knoll Animal Centre.

