Ethiopia’s Merga wins the Boston Marathon

Ethiopia’s Deriba Merga forgot his Olympic disapointment when he won Monday’s 113th Boston Marathon ahead of Kenyan Daniel Rono and Ryan Hall of America. Merga,, who faded in the heat of Beijing to finish fourth in the 2008 Summer Games, went clear before ‘Heartbreak Hill’ and finished almost a minute clear in two hours eight minutes 42 seconds. Rono clocked 2:09.32 with Hall another eight seconds adrift and the only non-African competitor in a top 10 that included five Kenyans headed by Rono and with Robert Cheruiyot finishing fifth.


China pushes N. Korea on nuke talks

Chinese President Hu Jintao reiterated a call for North Korea to resume nuclear talks during his meeting with North Korean Premier Kim Yong Il. On Thursday Hu urged Kim, who is not related to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, to find a way to continue the six-party nuclear talks, according to a statement released by the Chinese government


How to Predict What You’ll Like? Ask a Stranger

To figure out whether you’ll like the restaurant around the corner or that new guy in accounting or a vacation in Madrid, or just about anything else you’ve never personally experienced, try asking a stranger who has. That person is more likely to predict — more accurately than you — your future reaction, according to a new study published in the March 20 issue of Science
