Chelsea debate: Bad decisions or bad losers?

Tom Henning Ovrebo is a name now etched in the minds of European football fans — mostly for the wrong reasons. Ovrebo was in charge of Wednesday night’s 1-1 Champions League semi-final draw between English side Chelsea and Spain’s Barcelona at Stamford Bridge. The match ended in controversy as the visitors stole an equalizer and Chelsea striker Didier Drogba launched a verbal tirade on the referee


In digital age, can movie piracy be stopped?

When the highly anticipated movie "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" opened Friday in theaters, many fans had already seen it. The online leak of a pirated, unfinished version of the 20th Century Fox film a month ago sent federal authorities springing into action and stoked a heated conversation within the entertainment industry about digital piracy. Piracy of upcoming films is not new, but the theft of “Wolverine” is especially troubling for an industry concerned with a stalled economy and the financial bottom line


Auto companies strive to end car ‘totaling’

Have you ever heard of someone having their car "totaled"? While the word might conjure images of a massive car accident, replete with broken glass and the Jaws of Life, the reality is sometimes far removed. In fact, there are many accidents that produce structural damage such that the vehicle’s frame is bent, even though the exterior of the car might even look drivable


Does Pakistan’s Taliban Surge Raise a Nuclear Threat?

When asked last year about the security of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Admiral Mike Mullen didn’t hesitate: “I’m very comfortable that the nuclear weapons in Pakistan are secure,” he said flatly. Asked the same question earlier this month, his answer had changed.
