The Future of Innovation: Can America Keep Pace?

“The first step to winning the future is encouraging American innovation.” That was Barack Obama in his State of the Union address last January, when he hit the theme repeatedly, using the word innovation or innovate 11 times. And on this issue, at least, Republicans seem in sync with Obama


The Miami Heat Is Everything a Pro Team Should Be. Seriously

There are two things sports fans love to hate, and the first is the epidemic of selfishness and greed: ball-hogging superstars who care only about their stats and their paychecks, teams that don’t play defense and don’t play like teams, owners with no commitment to winning and no sense of loyalty. Fortunately, the National Basketball Association has a team that defies those stereotypes.


School Head-Lice Policies Must Be Relaxed, Say Doctors

They are miniscule, measuring at most 2 mm to 3 mm long, yet few things induce more panic or fear among parents than head lice. But while an infestation of head lice on a child can be uncomfortable, the critters do not pose enough of a contagious hazard to justify the strict policies that many schools use to keep infected children out of class, according to a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics
