One Australian Merchant Has Begun Charging a 6.8% Tax if You use IE7


Australian online retailer has introduced the world’s first “tax” on Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) browser.

What’s happening is that customers interfacing with IE7 will have to pay an extra surcharge on all online purchases made through the firm’s site. Chief executive Ruslan Kogan told the reason behind this was he wanted to recoup the time and money spend on “rendering the website into a antique browser”.

The charge is set to 6.8% – 0.1% for every month since the IE7 launch.

Shows the 6.% charge added on to price.
And it won’t end there…  each month the new surcharge is set to increase by 0.1%

According to Mr Kogan the reason behind these additional charges are that his tech team spend most of their time trying to fix issues with the store and IE7, even though only about 3% of his customers are browsing his wares are coming in through IE7.

Don’t want to pay the charge? The solution is simple…  the site offers links to alternative browsers before checkout is complete.

