Blu-ray review: Epic



(Universal Pictures, PG)


The word came in stereo as I asked my 6 year old daughter and 7 year old son what they thought about Epic.

I expected as much.

They had sat in rare silence at the 90 odd minute family film, transfixed.

Thomas loved the heroic leafmen as they flew birds through the treetops fighting the good fight against the bugs who were bent on destroying the forest.

Rebekah loved the queen of the forest they fought to protect.

Epic, then, pretty much does what it says on the box.

It’s a kid’s movie which tells the age old epic story of the unseen battle of good verses evil.

But instead of being super spiritual the film, from the creators of Ice Age and Rio based on William Joyce’s children’s books The Leaf Men and The Brave Good Bugs, depicts the battle through nature.

The battle is bought home to the audience by embroiling an everyday teen in it. She goes into the forest to look for her estranged father’s dog and becomes caught up in the story.

Its PG certificate suggests low level violence, but there has to be fisticuffs when the
