World: Something they Ate

World: Something they Ate
The U.S. forces that had taken over the South Seas island were in a
hurry. An airfield had to be built and there was a lot of work to do.
Native labor on the island was short. So Captain Martin Teem sent a
sergeant of Massachusetts infantry to a nearby island to round up
help. When the sergeant landed, the natives, attired in loincloths and belts
of coconut husks, were in the midst of a happy community feast. Main
dish: the ten wives of a neighboring tribe's chief. The sergeant waited around until the barbecue was over. Then he had no
trouble getting his recruits. The islanders had heard of the good wages
and good treatment which other natives had received from U.S. troops.
Back to Captain Teems went the sergeant to report. Explained Captain
Teems to his nervous soldiers: “They only eat each other.”
