Doctor’s removed 5 inch worm from an Indian man’s eye

Everything started when PK Krishnamurthy from Muland, India. went to the doctor’s clinic because of the itching and burning in his eye. Krishnamurthy had been suffering for more than two weeks with redness and irritation before the doctor pin-pointed the threadlike creature under a microscope on Wednesday. After a quick check-up Dr. V. Seetharaman removed […]


Conficker wakes up, updates via P2P, drops payload

The Conficker worm is finally doing something–updating via peer-to-peer between infected computers and dropping a mystery payload on infected computers, Trend Micro said on Wednesday. Researchers were analyzing the code of the software that is being dropped onto infected computers but suspect that it is a keystroke logger or some other program designed to steal sensitive data off the machine, said David Perry, global director of security education at Trend Micro. The software appeared to be a .sys component hiding behind a rootkit, which is software that is designed to hide the fact that a computer has been compromised, according to Trend Micro.


How will April Fool’s worm impact you?

Remember the dire predictions surrounding the ‘millennium bug?’ The doom-and-gloom scenarios bandied about by security analysts on how computers could act when their clocks turned to January 1, 2000? Well, researchers are hoping that a potential April Fool’s time bomb — the Conficker.c that is supposed to hit computers on April 1 — turns out to be equally unfounded.
