How Manchester United Became the Biggest Soccer Team in the World

On Saturday, May 14, as the final whistle ended a 1-1 draw in the English Premier League between Blackburn Rovers and Manchester United, a man looking perhaps a shade younger than his 69 years began dancing around and hugging everyone in sight. If Sir Alex Ferguson, United’s manager, looked like a bit of a dork — as he usually does when celebrating — nobody cared.


Is My County Healthier Than Yours? Why Rankings Matter

Recently the University of Wisconsin and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released its second annual County Health Rankings, a within-state comparison of county health covering each county in every state the United States. Newspapers and TV news programs jumped all over the results — particularly local outlets serving counties that were ranked comparatively lower than their neighbors.


The New Tehran-Riyadh Rivalry

Afghanistan has been something of a forgotten war in recent months because of the world’s preoccupation with Libya and Egypt and the wave of antigovernment protests spreading throughout the Middle East. That will soon change, now that the Obama Administration is stepping up talks with the Taliban in an effort to come up with some peaceable endgame to the half-trillion-dollar war


UNITED NATIONS: Something for a Name

A man from New Zealand last week stumbled over that beautiful and dangerous phrase, “United Nations.” Like many another man, stubbing his toe gave him an idea.”The United Nations” is President Roosevelt's label for the 28 nations which up to this week have signed the Roosevelt-Churchill Atlantic Charter . It may, according to the President, include any & all nations “which are, or which may be, rendering material assistance and contributions in the struggle for victory over Hitlerism.” But the label “United Nations” is dangerous because too many people think that it also signifies a fully effective body for the cooperative conduct of World War II.It does no such thing
