Four E.U. Nations Stoke Fears of an Immigrant Flood

Immigration has always been a contentious issue in Europe. But these days, with enduring economic turmoil further fueling concerns over rising unemployment, European nations are especially sensitive about the prospect of foreigners taking jobs away from their citizens.


Obama’s 8-Month Nightmare Could Begin Tomorrow

Obama’s 8-Month Nightmare Could Begin Tomorrow For months now, the pundits have predicted doom and gloom for Barack Obama and the Democrats come November. But we’re not totally convinced. A very likely storyline goes something like this (as we’ve already written): Healthcare passes. On Friday, April 2 at 8:30 AM the March jobs numbers come […]


Unemployment Rises to 10.2%, Stoking the Economic Debate

After Wall Street stabilized last spring, it didn’t take long for the economy to become a political afterthought to the major battle of the year in Washington: health-care reform. But last Tuesday’s off-year election broke D.C.’s political trance like a brick through plate glass


US hardens stance on Chinese currency

The Obama administration said on Thursday that it had “serious concerns” about the value of the renminbi, but stopped short of accusing China of manipulating its currency in a closely watched report to Congress. The Treasury toughened its language on China in its semi-annual report on exchange rate policies
