Atheist ads to adorn New York subway stations

Some New Yorkers may want to reconsider exclaiming “Thank God” when arriving at their destination subway station beginning next Monday. Or at least that’s what a coalition of eight atheist organizations are hoping, having purchased a month-long campaign that will place their posters in a dozen busy subway stations throughout Manhattan.


UK executive claims he was dismissed for being green

A British executive who says he was sacked because of his beliefs about climate change is defending his right to make a claim for unfair dismissal against his former employers. Tim Nicholson, 42, was employed by UK property company, Grainger as head of sustainability from 2006 to 2008


Colombian Singer Juanes at Peace Without Borders Concert

At the end of his internationally televised concert in Havana’s Revolution Plaza on Sunday, Sept. 20, Colombian rock superstar Juanes looked out at a crowd of more than 1 million and shouted, “Cuba libre! Cuba libre!” It was a mantra you could take two ways: If you’re a fan of Cuba’s communist government, it was a cry to keep the island safe from U.S


Lutherans accept clergy in ‘lifelong’ same-sex relationships

After hours of back and forth between members, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America decided Friday evening to accept noncelibate clergy members and lay leaders who are in "lifelong" and "monogamous" same-sex relationships. One of the country’s largest Protestant denominations, the Lutheran church approved four recommendations to its ministry’s policies that underscore a new approach to homosexuality. While the recommendations passed at the weeklong Churchwide Assembly in Minneapolis, Minnesota, do not address recognizing same-sex marriage or civil unions, they do allow congregations to support same-sex relationships among their members and allow individuals in same-sex relationships to hold clergy positions.


Why Newt Gingrich Converted to Catholicism

Visitors to the Basilica of the National Shrine in northeast Washington often do a double take when they see Newt Gingrich and his familiar shock of white hair slip into a pew for the noon Mass on Sundays. The former Speaker of the House is known for many things, but religious zeal is not one of them. In fact, the social conservatives who fueled his Republican revolution in 1994 often complained about Gingrich’s lack of interest in issues like abortion or school prayer.


Experts: Many young Muslim terrorists spurred by humiliation

At first, no one seemed to notice the young man who walked into the hotel lobby at around 7:45 that Friday morning. He wore a baseball cap, a backpack and dragged a wheeled suitcase behind him. He casually checked his watch as he calmly walked toward a hotel restaurant filled with Western business executives
