Obama’s honeymoon with Americans still going strong

President Obama is halfway through his first 100 days in office and he’s still enjoying a honeymoon with the American public, according to an average of recent polls. Obama’s job approval rating stands at 61 percent in a new CNN poll of polls, which averaged seven national surveys conducted over the past two weeks


Rick Warren’s New Magazine: A Publishing Leap of Faith

The high-risk, questionable venture is a staple of biblical narratives — Noah building the ark, the Israelites heading out into the wilderness without any provisions, the idea that a couple of loaves and fish could feed a crowd. So maybe Rick Warren was reading Scripture instead of the business pages when he decided to expand his ministry this year by launching a glossy new magazine with a $10 cover price. Purpose Driven Connection, which debuted last month and is published by the Reader’s Digest Association, is a leap of faith for Warren at a time when newspapers and magazines are under great financial strain.


Obama moves to separate politics and science

As President Obama reversed the Bush administration’s limits on embryonic stem-cell research, he said scientific decisions must be "based on facts, not ideology." The president on Monday signaled a clear shift in tone from the Bush administration on a broad range of scientific issues. Obama overturned an order signed by President Bush in 2001 that barred the National Institutes of Health from funding research on embryonic stem cells beyond using 60 cell lines that existed at that time


Who Really Killed the Rocky Mountain News?

“We are just deeply sorry.” That’s all E.W. Scripps Co.’s Cincinnati, Ohio–based executives could mumble last week in closing Colorado’s oldest company, the 150-year-old Rocky Mountain News. In shuttering an operation sprung in 1859 from a gold-mining camp just blocks from its downtown Denver home, Scripps directly or obliquely blamed everything — the economy, the Internet, demographics — and everybody — Denver Post panjandrum William Dean Singleton, ignorant consumers, bloggers — for the diminished tabloid’s demise


Six Signs the Recession Is Ending

A number of economists predict that the recession could last into 2010 and unemployment will top 10%. If the crisis does not deepen into an even longer downturn, there will have to be early signs that the credit crisis is ending and that consumer and business confidence are coming back. And, there are a few things to watch for.
