Commentary: Kennedy family’s remarkable story

With the death of John F. Kennedy’s brother, Senator Edward M Kennedy, and their sister, Eunice Shriver, the founder of the Special Olympics for the developmentally challenged, there has been a wealth of news stories — obituaries and otherwise — about the recurring tragedies endured by what some call America’s "royal family." NEW YORK (CNN) — With the death of John F


Fears fuel emotional health care protests

Beyond the noise of raucous crowds and angry protesters who have turned town hall meetings into shouting matches is genuine concern from ordinary citizens who are afraid that President Obama’s health care proposals would only make things harder for them, experts say. “The reason that we see these protests and people asking tough questions at town hall meetings is because they feel like the president is going to take something away from them. That motivates people.


Giant panda gives birth to fifth cub at the San Diego Zoo

A giant panda at the San Diego Zoo gave birth to a cub the size of a stick of butter on Wednesday, her fifth cub born in the zoo since 1999. The sex of the mostly hairless, pink newborn, which was born around 5 a.m., is not known yet, said Dr. Ron Swaisgood of the zoo’s Institute of Conservation Research.


Obama’s former doctor critical of White House health care plan

President Obama often talks about all of the forces lining up against his health care plan. But there’s one critic who has remained relatively mum in the debate. David Scheiner, a Chicago, Illinois-based doctor, has taken a hard look at the president’s prescription for health care reform and sees bad medicine


Obama Health-Care Interview: On His Push for Reform

TIME senior writer Karen Tumulty sat down with President Barack Obama on Tuesday afternoon to talk about his work both in public and behind the scenes to push a health-care-reform measure through Congress. Here’s an excerpt of the full transcript, which will be published on on July 30.


TIME’s Exclusive Interview with President Obama

TIME senior writer Karen Tumulty sat down with President Barack Obama on Tuesday afternoon to talk about his work both in public and behind the scenes to push a health-care-reform measure through Congress. Here’s the full transcript. TIME: I thought I’d talk to you a little bit about just sort of the whole degree to which this is really a test of leadership, health care is, as much as anything
