Gitmo detainees said abuse sparked lies, transcripts reveal

Accused terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay complained of abuse that they said led them to tell their CIA interrogators lies, according to sections of U.S. government transcripts made public on Monday. Suspected al Qaeda figure Abu Zubaydah told a military tribunal in 2007 that he was physically and mentally tortured for months.


Top Colombian rebel suspect captured

The Colombian military has captured one of the top leaders for a Marxist rebel group waging war on the government for more than 40 years, authorities said. The officials believe that al Qaeda may see the Horn of Africa as its new headquarters after dozens of attacks from U.S. drones along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border


Why Doctors from Sri Lanka’s Combat Zone May Face Jail

The veil of secrecy over the whereabouts of three doctors who worked in Sri Lanka’s shrinking war zone last month has finally been lifted. On Thursday, Colombo announced that three doctors, all of whom were treating patients in Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam -held areas in the final days before they were gained by Sri Lankan government forces, are now in government custody and face court action for collaborating with the Tigers.


Boat that can ‘think’ to cross Atlantic unmanned

The designers behind a "thinking" yacht are hoping to break a world record by sending it across the Atlantic Ocean without any human assistance. The four-meter boat, “Avalon”, was designed and built by an eight-strong team of third-year engineering students at Swiss science university ETH Zurich. The students are planning to take the boat to a robotic sailing regatta in July, before launching it into the Microtransat Transatlantic challenge in early September
