Education: How the Public Feels

Adults do not think they are doing a very good job of teaching their children about the facts of life: 69% of 1,015 Americans polled for Time last week by Yankelovich, Clancy, Shulman* said parents are not doing as much as they should to educate their children about sex; 39% of the parents who were polled admit they have had “frank and open” discussions about sex with their teenagers only a few times or not at all. Those questioned overwhelmingly support sex-education courses in school, and 47% of them said they wished they had been better informed about sex when they were teenagers


From College to Parliament: Have Quebec Voters Set Up Canada’s Opposition to Fail?

Canada’s opposition politics have taken a hard left turn, with some bizarre consequences. The fourth general election in just seven years saw Canadians answer conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s call for political stability by returning him to power with the majority government that had previously eluded him.


The South: Rolling On

As white and Negro Freedom Riders continued their rolling assault against segregation last week, they produced some profound results in South and North alike: In Washington, Attorney General Robert Kennedy urged the Interstate Commerce Commission to start enforcing the vaguely worded federal ban on segregation in restaurants, waiting rooms and toilets at interstate bus terminals. The ICC in 1955 outlawed segregated seating in interstate buses.



Excerpts from the report of the Commission headed by Associate Justice Roberts which investigated and fixed the blame for the disaster at Pearl Harbor: > In a letter of January 24, 1941, the Secretary of the Navy advised the Secretary of War that the increased gravity of the Japanese situation had prompted a restudy of the problem of the security of the Pacific Fleet while in Pearl Harbor. The writer stated: “If war eventuates with Japan, it is believed easily possible that hostilities would be initiated by a surprise attack upon the Fleet or the Naval base at Pearl Harbor.
