A timeline of Madoff’s crimes

Bloggers and news writers are asking many questions about Jobs’ return. Chief among them: Is Apple fine without its chief executive What does Jobs’ health mean for Apple stock And why has Jobs’ health been such a drooled-over story Jobs, a 54-year-old cancer survivor, has been on medical leave for about six months. He had a liver transplant about two months ago


Steve Jobs set to return to work

Steve Jobs, the face of Apple, is scheduled to return to work by Tuesday, and the tech community’s obsession with his health and his role at the hip tech company continues. Bloggers and news writers are asking many questions about Jobs’ return. Chief among them: Is Apple fine without its chief executive What does Jobs’ health mean for Apple stock And why has Jobs’ health been such a drooled-over story Jobs, a 54-year-old cancer survivor, has been on medical leave for about six months.


Tetris turns 25: Is it the next Olympic sport?

It’s amazing how a huge global phenomenon can begin. In 1984, Russian mathematician Alexey Pajitnov was playing with one of his favorite puzzles when he had an inspiration: How about creating a computer version Pajitnov wrote the program in his spare time, simplifying the idea to make it easier for those of us who aren’t math geniuses. He used shapes made of four squares — hence “Tetris,” which comes from the Greek word for four, “Tetra.” In the game, players must position and stack blocky shapes to fill a grid without leaving spaces in between.


How Twitter Will Change the Way We Live

The one thing you can say for certain about Twitter is that it makes a terrible first impression. You hear about this new service that lets you send 140-character updates to your “followers,” and you think, Why does the world need this, exactly? It’s not as if we were all sitting around four years ago scratching our heads and saying, “If only there were a technology that would allow me to send a message to my 50 friends, alerting them in real time about my choice of breakfast cereal.” I, too, was skeptical at first.


Strange early jobs of 23 famous people

Summer is here, and that means so are summer jobs. While lots of young people find work as lifeguards or camp counselors, just as many are forced off the beaten path to find their first paychecks. Don’t worry if you get stuck with an odd job that might not totally dovetail with your life goals, though.


Terminator Salvation Review: Sensory Overload

From the beginning, when cyborg Arnold Schwarzenegger first arrived in our present — nude, greasy and heralded by what now seems like a very quaint series of lightning strikes — it was a bad idea to dwell on the time-traveling twist that has him pursuing a target, John Connor, who is still unconceived yet also alive in the future.


Stress Tests: Here to Stay?

Now that the bank stress tests are completed, is it time to plan another round? The government’s bank exams, the results of which were released last Thursday, seem to have calmed the market and paved the way for the nation’s largest financial firms to raise tens of billion of dollars. As a result, a number of academics and policy watchers are warming to the idea of making the stress tests permanent.


Ferrari threaten 2010 F1 boycott

Ferrari rocked the world of motor racing on Tuesday when the Italian Formula 1 giants announced they will not be entering a team for the 2010 world championships. The decision is the result of a dispute with the sport’s governing body, the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), over proposed regulations to enforcing cost caps upon teams on the Grand Prix circuit
