Study links cat litter box with suicides – However, It’s Not the Most Common Way to Catch the Virus, What Is? Under-cooked Food!


A common parasite that can lurk in the cat litter box may cause undetected brain changes in

toxoplasma virus illustration

women that make them more prone to suicide, according to an international study. However, doctors warn the study was only the beginning, the traces found in cat litter are minute in comparison to what can be found in under cooked-meat! 

Scientists have long known that pregnant women infected with the toxoplasma gondii parasite — spread through cat feces, undercooked meat or unwashed vegetables — could risk still birth or brain damage if transmitted to an unborn infant.

But a new study of more than 45,000 women in Denmark shows changes in their own brains after being infected by the common parasite. The study, authored by University of Maryland School of Medicine psychiatrist and suicide neuroimmunology expert Dr. Teodor T. Postolache, was published online today in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

The study found that women infected with T. gondii were one and a half times more likely to attempt suicide than those who were not infected. As the level of antibodies in the blood rose, so did the suicide risk. THE IMPORT FACT TO COME FROM THIS STUDY IT THAT ABOUT1/3 OF PEOPLE HAVE THIS VIRUS IN THEIR BODIES, LYING DORMAT AND IT COMES FROM UNDER-COOKED VEGETABLES AND MEATS! The relative risk was even higher for violent suicide attempts.


Another method cat owner are utilizing to eliminate contact with feline waste products

Wondering what to take from this study? 

A self cleaning litter box, while expensive, can almost eliminate all contact with feline waste.

1 – Clean and  cook all meats through.

2- Make sure you clean your vegetables and fruits as you do not know where they have been before bringing them home!

3- Clean your litter box frequently, the best method is either with disposable clay (non-clumping) cat littler that can be discarded with each cleaning or if you prefer to use the clumping litter, try one of the systems with the screen type bags that can be just picked up and discarded on a daily basis. Such as the Van Ness System which is easy to use and rather inexpensive.


What you shouldn’t do is get rid of your cat. With proper hygienic methods and frequent cleaning of the litter box with a system that allows less contact with the litter itself, you should be safe!


What you should do? Consult your physician if you believe you or a loved one is displaying  any signs or symptoms of Toxoplasmosis. And please, always remember this is your body and you know when something is wrong, be forceful with your healthcare providers if you need to be in order to get the proper testing for diagnosis. Because at the end of the day, it’s your life…   don’t be bullied by doctors and other providers who don’t take you seriously! 


Signs and Symptoms of Toxoplasmosis: 


There may be no symptoms. Symptoms usually occur about 1 to 2 weeks after you come in contact with the parasite. The disease can affect the brain, lung, heart, eyes, or liver.

Symptoms in persons with otherwise healthy immune systems:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes in the head and neck
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Mild illness similar to mononucleosis
  • Muscle pain
  • Sore throat

Symptoms in people with a weakened immune system:

  • Confusion
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Blurred vision due to inflammation of the retina
  • Seizures

