Are we wrong about dinosaurs?

Could this image be off by a few tons?

 Scientific Hypotheses’ regarding the appearance of the long extinct reptile may have been a little off. Some experts in the field are putting forth theories that thier actual weight may have been exaggerated by a few tons. 


   As-of-yet not official sketches have been released for the dinosaur obsessed population to mull over. The official reasoning behind the correction in weight is said to be related to bone structure and diet. 


     An example of these new calculations released by experts on Monday is “For example, the Berlin Brachiosaur, thought to have weighed 88 tons, might have only been a relatively slim 25 tons. That’s an extreme example, but overall, dinosaurs might have weighed 21 percent less than previously suspected.”


Skeletal remains of the Berlin Naturkundemuseum Brachiosaurus
Skeletal remains of the Berlin Naturkundemuseum Brachiosaurus


       Paleontologists and other experts in the field are agreeing this is no insignificant study. If this becomes an accepted theory it could change many hypotheses’  regarding this era in the earth’s formation. 



On a lighter side… 
