Under-Resourced Zoos are Having to Make Some Tough Choices





Lion Faced macaque
Could the adorable creatures become extinct? With only 4,000 left in the wild and US Zoos running out of resources to keep them in captivity, their fate looms in uncertainty


Zoos in the US are being faced with some though choices: Which animals to save from extinction. Sound Harsh? The problem the zoos are facing is that of not having enough available resources to adequately house all of the species they are caring for.


The solution? Decide which animals they will be able to care for and breed in captivity. It’s a difficult decision and no one wants to make it. However, the consequences of not letting go of some of the animals means compromising the care and life of all of the animals being cared for in captivity.


One of the first they are letting go of is the lion-tailed macaque. Even though only 4,000 remain in the wild, it does not rank as highly as other endangered species, which are closer to extinction. Dr. Steven L Monfort of the Smithsonian believes zoos have a specific role that is to conserve endanger species; not to showcase cute little animals.


Only time will tell what is to become of the lion-tailed macaque and other endangered species od which the zoos can no longer afford to keep.
