Can the World’s Fisheries Survive Their Appetite?

Boris Worm, a marine biologist at Dalhousie University in Canada, made a startling prediction in the pages of Science in 2006: if overfishing continued at then-current rates, he said, the world would essentially run out of seafood by 2048. Worm’s bold analysis whipped up controversy in the usually pacific world of marine science — one colleague, Ray Hilborn of the University of Washington, called the Science study “mindbogglingly stupid.” But Worm held fast to his predictions: that the oceans had limits, and that marine species were declining so fast that they would eventually disappear.


Fish stocks can recover if well managed, says study

Efforts to curb overfishing in five of the world’s marine ecosystems are starting to show signs of working. The news comes from a multi-national study on the status of marine fisheries and ecosystems reported in “Science”. While the report found that stock collapse is an increasing international trend, the scientists involved believe there are positive signs that rebuilding the ocean’s depleted fish stocks is possible
