Medicine: Drain for the Brain

The baby was suffering from a stubborn form of hydrocephalus : spinal fluid, collecting in his skull cavity, caused his head to enlarge and threatened to squeeze the brain so that the child's mental development would be arrested. Some hydrocephalus cases can be treated with fair success by putting a tube in the spinal canal half way down the back and draining the fluid from the brain through the spinal canal into the urinary system


‘Minor’ head injuries can turn serious rapidly, experts say

A blow to the head that at first seems minor and does not result in immediate pain or other symptoms can in fact turn out to be a life-threatening brain injury, experts tell CNN. It’s very common for someone who’s had a fall or been in a car accident to appear perfectly lucid just after the impact but then to suddenly, rapidly deteriorate, Dr. Carmelo Graffagnino, director of Duke University Medical Center’s Neurosciences Critical Care Unit, told CNN


Japan’s industrial production falls steeply

Japan’s industrial production in January dropped 10 percent from the previous month, a decline for the fourth straight month, the government said. Harlyn Geronimo has sued Yale and the society — the Order of Skull and Bones — to try to recover the remains. “I think what would be important is that the remains of Geronimo be with his ancestors,” he said.
