Desperation stalks Zimbabwe’s white farmers

A desperate Zimbabwean farmer fighting to hold onto his land — a year after the country’s political rivals pledged to govern jointly — fears he will eventually lose to politics and violence. The power-sharing agreement included an undertaking by both parties to ensure property rights are upheld but farm attacks and invasions continue unabated in Zimbabwe


Colombian Singer Juanes at Peace Without Borders Concert

At the end of his internationally televised concert in Havana’s Revolution Plaza on Sunday, Sept. 20, Colombian rock superstar Juanes looked out at a crowd of more than 1 million and shouted, “Cuba libre! Cuba libre!” It was a mantra you could take two ways: If you’re a fan of Cuba’s communist government, it was a cry to keep the island safe from U.S


The color and complexity of Cuba’s cigars

Synonymous with Cuba, just like Castro and Che Guevara, cigars are revered by connoisseurs and part of the country’s political landscape. Neighbors know what I do, and it seems to draw the men to me — and they open up about certain things that the guys who actually come to see me with their wives just don’t


Offbeat iReports: Your fun and amazing photos

(CNN) — Is Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin running for vice president of the United States or vice president of the student council Listening to some political strategists, pundits and radio and TV blowhards, you would think that all she has to do is show up, sign her name on the roll, and she’s done enough to satisfy the requirement for president.
