The color and complexity of Cuba’s cigars

Synonymous with Cuba, just like Castro and Che Guevara, cigars are revered by connoisseurs and part of the country’s political landscape. Neighbors know what I do, and it seems to draw the men to me — and they open up about certain things that the guys who actually come to see me with their wives just don’t


Home Nurse Visits: A New Health-Care Fear for Conservatives

George Orwell never wrote about health insurance, but his ghost hovers over the current health-care debate, providing inspiration for all manner of fears about Big Brother-like intrusions by the government into the lives of ordinary Americans. First was the rumor—promoted by high-profile Republicans like Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and Iowa Senator Charles Grassley—that Democratic health care plans would create “death panels” which would pass judgment on which citizens deserved to live.


Inside the Busy Mind of a Baby

Sure, they may while away their days eating, sleeping and soiling diapers. But Alison Gopnik says it’s high time that babies got some respect. In her new book, The Philosophical Baby, the University of California, Berkeley, psychologist argues that modern research is revolutionizing our understanding of the first years of life, revealing early childhood to be a frenzied period of intellectual, emotional and moral development
