Olympic Flame Extinguished – While the Torch Was Being Carried on a White Water Rafting Boat

   It’s quite remarkable, in hindsight, to think no one predicted the outcome of this stunt. As the Olympic torch splashed through the canoe slalom venue in Hertfordshire today on board a raft as part of its journey around the country, spraying water splashed out the famed Eternal Flame. Day 50 did not go smoothly for […]


Doctor’s removed 5 inch worm from an Indian man’s eye

Everything started when PK Krishnamurthy from Muland, India. went to the doctor’s clinic because of the itching and burning in his eye. Krishnamurthy had been suffering for more than two weeks with redness and irritation before the doctor pin-pointed the threadlike creature under a microscope on Wednesday. After a quick check-up Dr. V. Seetharaman removed […]


A Tale of Two Indias

There are few finer views of the new India than from the cliff-top terrace of manufacturing magnates Parmeshwar and Adi Godrej. At night on the horizon, like a diamond necklace, streetlights trace a shoreline curve past the high-rise bank offices and apartment blocks of downtown Bombay, skirt the bars, gyms and boutiques of Marine Drive, and encircle Chowpatty Beach, ending in the rocky surf below


INDIA: Long Shadow

India's festering sun beat down impartially on New and Old Delhi—on the precisely geometric, grandly drab preserves of the British Raj, on the noisy, squalid, sprawling native town. A sweat-soaked British wallah might change his shirt four times before settling down to an evening burra peg of bad Australian whiskey in the garden of the Cecil Hotel
