Rick Warren’s New Magazine: A Publishing Leap of Faith

The high-risk, questionable venture is a staple of biblical narratives — Noah building the ark, the Israelites heading out into the wilderness without any provisions, the idea that a couple of loaves and fish could feed a crowd. So maybe Rick Warren was reading Scripture instead of the business pages when he decided to expand his ministry this year by launching a glossy new magazine with a $10 cover price. Purpose Driven Connection, which debuted last month and is published by the Reader’s Digest Association, is a leap of faith for Warren at a time when newspapers and magazines are under great financial strain.


Castro and Chavez: The Evil Twins for Florida’s GOP

Thousands of Venezuelans residing in Florida cast ballots at their Miami consulate last month in a referendum on whether to abolish presidential term limits back home. Most voted “no,” because the last thing they want is to see left-wing President Hugo Chávez run again when his second term expires in 2012


Limbaugh: A deliberate distraction or de facto leader?

As Democrats cast conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh as the de facto leader of the GOP, Republicans are decrying what they see as an orchestrated scheme designed to divert attention from the Democrats’ spending proposals. Democrats fired out two political e-mails about Limbaugh on Thursday morning, calling him the face of the GOP, and Republicans sent out one of their own, demanding that the White House “come clean” about and apologize for a “political attack game.” An e-mail sent on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee states: “Rush Limbaugh is the leading voice of the Republican Party.


What the GOP Really Wants: Obama’s Autograph

Ever since he began his uphill battle for the Presidency two years ago, Barack Obama has been getting mobbed for photos and autographs, and that enthusiasm and passion has only grown since he entered the Oval Office. But even President Obama must be a little taken aback by the identity of some of his well-wishers on Capitol Hill of late.


Rush Limbaugh calls on conservatives to take back nation

Rush Limbaugh brought a cheering crowd to its feet several times Saturday in Washington as he called on fellow conservatives to take back the country in the keynote speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “We conservatives have not done a good enough job of just laying out basically who we are because we make the mistake of assuming that people know.


Man held after mailing HIV-tainted blood to Obama

An Ethiopian immigrant with a history of mental health problems is in custody after being accused of mailing a letter with HIV-tainted blood to Barack Obama when he was president-elect, according to court records. Saad Bedrie Hussein told investigators that he is an admirer of Obama and that the letter — containing his photo, an admission ticket to Obama’s election night victory party in Chicago’s Grant Park and six index cards containing writing and reddish stains — was his way of seeking government help and tickets to Obama’s inauguration
