Animal Cruelty: New Undercover Video Links Major Retailers to Barbaric Handling of Pigs

Earlier this year, the National Pork Board introduced its new slogan: “Be inspired.” It isn’t nearly as catchy as “the other white meat,” an earlier campaign that touted the health benefits of pork, but it did evoke something even higher and nobler. But nobility hardly describes the public image of the industry this week, and if consumers are inspired to do anything at all, it would be to stop eating pork entirely.


Farm Camps Offer a Down-to-Earth Respite from Technology

With the end of school around the corner, the options for summer camp have gotten endlessly niche: there’s rock-star camp, circus-arts camp, Hollywood-stunt camp. But in what may be a backlash to the glitz of it all, the hippest new kid on the block is the lowly farm camp, with tilling the earth now seen as a wholesome and character-building respite from video games and texting


Iran: Dog Ownership to Be Outlawed Under Lawmakers’ Plan

For much of the past decade, the Iranian government has tolerated what it considers a particularly depraved and un-Islamic vice: the keeping of pet dogs. During periodic crackdowns, police have confiscated dogs from their owners right off the street; and state media has lectured Iranians on the diseases spread by canines.


Abused No More

There’s something especially loathsome about torturing helpless creatures for fun and profit. And evidence of torture is what investigators found on July 8, when federal and local authorities working in teams across eight states staged the largest raid in history against the underground dogfighting racket.


Bolivia Frees Its Circus Animals. Now They Need Homes

“Lions hate circuses” has long been a bumper sticker slogan of the animal rights movement, and Bolivia has heard the message: The left-leaning government of the Andean country recently passed the world’s first legislation prohibiting the use of all animals in circuses.
