Is Lindsay Heading For Rehab Again?

Trouble with the law, tax debts, family issues Lindsay have so much on her plate that it is no wonder she really tries hard to get back on her feet.

As much as her fans are supporting her unfortunately the latest news reports that she is drinking again and this time more than ever.

Lindsay Lohan has allegedly become so stressed by her worrying financial condition and her impending probation violation that she has started boozing heavily and sometimes downs as much as two liters of vodka a day. 

“She lives very large, staying at the best hotels and traveling first-class. All the money she earns she spends, and then when it comes to taxes, she has nothing left. Right now, she is desperate to find a paying gig to just get this burden off her back.” Huffington Post reports.

According to sources, the 26-year-old actress, who has struggled with substance abuse in the past and even has a drinking under influence conviction under her belt, often begins drinking first thing in the morning, and continues drinking throughout the day, reported. 
As for the Thursday morning NYC nightclub fight, The Parent Trap star drank all day and showed up at the Bieber concert already smashed and continued to drink throughout the night. Lohan’s friends have given up trying to help her because when she’s drunk she tends to get
